Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is there such a thing as Godly Science?


more godly pictures here

other scientific pictures here

As we learn about the origin of humans more people start to question the possibility of there being a god. If people have originated from Africa then how can we have come from The Garden of Eden? The majority of people are now able to poke holes in all of the stories about religion that even rabbis and priests cannot justify. However, there are still countless countries that follow religion, refusing to believe that human skeletons millions years old have been found. However, even with science showing that religion may be completely fiction, perhaps there can be a balance between the two.

Perhaps the Garden of Eden never truly existed except in the heart of man, and maybe the Ten Commandments were actually just laws that Moses thought that man should follow. Even if religion is completely falsified the reason it exists is because of the message it sends out. It gives humans a set of laws that they should live by that still complies with today’s society. It tells us that every person is equal, and that all of our sins and mistakes are forgotten. It gives us a reason to be kind and good along with an ultimate goal in our life.

Wars are fought over religion with millions of people dieing, but in the center, through out time the reason is always the same. Live a good life by following these rules, believe in god, and all of your sins/mistakes will be forgotten. By killing each other over religion, we are breaking the sixth commandment, "thou shall not murder," and going against our religion, revoking that we are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. Therefore, if we were truly religious then we would all live at peace in the world.

Science and religion can co-exist because religion, even if all the stories are false, religion is a moral barometer for our lives, telling us what to do and what not to do. Although science does not give us the guidelines to live our life, it does give us new inventions making our life better in a different way. Together, religion and science increases the quality of life by making every moment of our life better.



  2. Interesting perspective and a lot of information to take in. I do agree about religion and such though.

  3. I don't believe that such things as the Garden Of Eden actually existed. I look at the traditions in religion as metaphors that we should use in life.

  4. See Anne Rice's comments in the press recently, this seems to be the topic of the moment.
